Frequently Asked Questions
Body sculpting, also known as body contouring, is a non-surgical method for removing fat from problem areas. Body sculpting is a highly-effective procedure for most patients, but it isn’t right for every situation and there are a few things that you should be aware of. Here are the answers to seven of the most frequently asked questions about body sculpting.
Non-Invasive Brazilian Butt Lift
The non-surgical Brazilian butt lift performed by the highly skilled team at Body Studio uses noninvasive vacuum therapy that stimulates muscles and increases blood flow to the buttocks region. The Brazilian butt lift:
- Restores skin elasticity
- Breaks down cellulite
- Reduces dimpling and orange-peel appearance
- Increases lymphatic drainage
- Improves the overall texture of the skin in the treated area
- Lifts and enhances the appearance of your butt
How Does It Work?
Suction cups simultaneously placed on the buttocks correct and tone the gluteal muscles; shaping, lifting, and plumping the buttocks.
Am I A Good Candidate for Brazilian Butt Lift?
Yes, everyone is a candidate for the Brazilian Butt Lift. Even those who have butt implants can receive treatment with proper pre-evaluation.
What happens during the treatment?
We place the pulse frequency cups on the buttocks, leaving them fixed for a period of 40 minutes. Suction pressure is maintained according to patient comfort and the discretion of the therapist (this depends on the tone of the buttock).
What will the results be?
Results vary case by case. Many patients are satisfied after eight treatments. However, during your consultation, we can discuss a treatment plan that will meet your specific treatment needs. We recommend two maintenance treatments per month after the original treatment.
Can I return to normal activities after the procedure?
The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure is completely non-surgical, so typically you can return to normal activities immediately. Some patients experience redness, minor bruising, tingling, numbness, or discomfort in the treated area, but this is temporary and will resolve completely. Oftentimes, patients return to work after the session is over.
Are the results permanent?
Like any other cosmetic treatment, results are permanent only with proper post-care. We recommend exercising for a longer-lasting result.
Body Sculpting
How Much Does It Cost?
Like with any other procedure, the exact cost will vary from patient to patient. How much you pay depends on what your issue is, how many treatments you need, and what type of body sculpting you get. In general, it tends to be no more expensive than other fat-removal procedures.
How Long Does It Take?
Treatments can take anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes to complete. The exact timing will depend on the area you’re treating as well as the technology used. You should also count on undergoing multiple treatments. Most patients require anywhere from 5 -10 for best results.
As far as how long it will take to actually see these results, that also varies. You can expect fat cells to start dying off within a few weeks. You’ll see some results after about a month. The full extent of the results will be apparent roughly three months after your final treatment. These are just rough guidelines. You may begin to see results earlier (or later) than this.
Can It Fix ‘X’ Problems?
Body sculpting works well on many different areas of the body including the neck/chin, the arms, the abdomen, the thighs, and the buttocks. The primary use is to remove stubborn fat, not add fullness or completely reshape an area. If you have questions about whether this is the right procedure for your problem, it’s best to consult.
Can It Help Me Lose Weight?
While removing fat will result in you weighing less, body sculpting is not a weight loss procedure. It’s no substitute for a healthy lifestyle and in order to get the best results, you should already be at or near your ideal weight.
Do The Results Look Natural?
All you’re doing is (non-surgically) removing fat cells. The results you see are all-natural and 100% you. That also means that you need to be realistic about your results. Body contouring can help you bring out your ideal natural physique, but it won’t completely change your body.
Is It Painful?
Body contouring is non-invasive and as such you avoid much of the discomfort associated with liposuction and other surgical procedures. A topical or general anesthetic can also be used to minimize pain. The worst that most patients report is a slight pinch during the treatment and some numbness as well as soreness that may last for a few hours afterward.
Are There Any Risks?
One of the benefits of a non-surgical procedure like this is that the risk of complications is reduced. It’s very unlikely that you’ll experience anything more than soreness or a bit of numbness following your procedure. Still, if you do feel that anything is seriously wrong don’t hesitate to get in touch with your sculpture.
Are you looking for more information about non-surgical body contouring and what it can do for you? Please contact us at The Body Studio to schedule a free consultation.
What is PureSculpt?
The PureSculpt™ Treatment is a combination of ICE & WOOD therapies. Pure Organic Ice manufactures innovative products & protocols for Body/Face Contouring. Our products contain ageless formulas, made with the most organic and high-end ingredients.
How Does It Work?
We start off with the WoodSculpting tools to activate the lymphatic system. These unique Wood Tools are designed to also contour the body, reduce cellulite, tone the skin and help with blood circulation. The Tools are used for 20 min in the desired areas clients wish to diminish. We then apply PureSculpt Ice in desired parts of the body, mostly where stored volume is at. The product is applied frozen which allows a natural process to occur in the body called Cold Induced Thermogenesis. Thermogenesis will start the burning of fat cells in order to raise the temperature back to its normal state. The dead fat cells and toxins will then be expelled naturally through the body.
How Often Can I Get Treatments?
We have found through much Research and Development that both therapies in combination will maximize results. This unique treatment can be done up to 3 to 4 times a week. It’s a noninvasive organic way of contouring the body!
When Will I See Results?
Results are immediate! You will see loss after your first treatment and you will continue to see results day-by-day as the swelling subsides.
Are There Any Side Effect or Pain?
While PureSculpt treatment is all-natural, you may experience severe bruising due to the wood therapy. If you are prone to bruising, expect to leave with a few bruises. Wood therapy uses pressure while rubbing the skin with wooden tools to break up the fat and contour your body, which may cause mild discomfort during the procedure. Bruising is not permanent and will go away within a week of your visit.
What is Yesotherpia?
This is a proven noninvasive treatment that can quickly shape and contour your body. The plaster wraps are ideal for localized treatment of problem areas and may be applied on any body part you wish to improve the appearance of the abdomen, thighs, arms, hips, buttocks, back, etc. The natural, powerful, and effective cosmetic ingredients contained in the plasterwork directly and intensely on the zone treated for up to 8 hours.
What Are The Benefits?
- Immediate results
- Visible inches lost
- Skin firming and tightening
- Slimming and therapeutic